37 books | Page 1 of 3.

The Arab of the Future by Sattouf, Riad $15.00

The Arab of the Future


Sattouf, Riad

The Nao of Brown by Dillon, Glyn $35.00

The Nao of Brown


Dillon, Glyn

Wimmen's Comix by Marks, Lee edits $15.00

Wimmen's Comix


Marks, Lee edits

The Boys by Ennis, Garth $900.00

The Boys


Ennis, Garth

Bazza Comes Into His Own by Humphries, Barry $50.00

Bazza Comes Into His Own


Humphries, Barry

Dante's Divine Comedy by Alighieri, Dante. Adapted by Seymour Chwast $35.00

Dante's Divine Comedy


Alighieri, Dante. Adapted by Seymour Chwast

Compost Comics #1 by Reece, R.T., George Metzger, Larry Todd, T.P. Gasparotti and Hector Tellez $35.00

Compost Comics #1


Reece, R.T., George Metzger, Larry Todd, T.P. Gasparotti and Hector Tellez

Fear and Laughter by Shaw, Scott edits $85.00

Fear and Laughter


Shaw, Scott edits

Wipe Out #1 and #2 by Various editors $85.00

Wipe Out #1 and #2

1975, 1979

Various editors

The People's Comics by Crumb, Robert, Harvey Pekar $35.00

The People's Comics


Crumb, Robert, Harvey Pekar

Cecil and Jordan in New York by Bell, Gabrielle $35.00

Cecil and Jordan in New York


Bell, Gabrielle

Clerks. (The Comic Book) by Smith, Kevin, Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester and Ande Parks $85.00

Clerks. (The Comic Book)


Smith, Kevin, Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester and Ande Parks

Shorthand definitions Bds = boards B/w = Black & white Col = Colour Dw = Dustwrapper Eps = Endpapers Fxg = Foxing G = Good Hb = Hardback H&T = Head & Tail Illus = Illustrations PP = Pages Sl = Slight Sp = Spine Tp = Top Wr = Wear Vg = Very Good 8vo = Quarto size