Index to the Story of My Days by Craig, Edward Gordon $35.00

Index to the Story of My Days


Craig, Edward Gordon

Immortality by Kundera Milan $35.00



Kundera Milan

Red Wagon by Berrigan, Ted $35.00

Red Wagon


Berrigan, Ted

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida by Karunatilaka, Shehan $15.00

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida


Karunatilaka, Shehan

Lorine Niedecker by Wilk, David edits $35.00

Lorine Niedecker


Wilk, David edits

Pink Furniture by Coppard, A..E $85.00

Pink Furniture


Coppard, A..E

Primer of Experimental Poetry 1, 1870-1922 by Lucie-Smith, Edward edits $35.00

Primer of Experimental Poetry 1, 1870-1922


Lucie-Smith, Edward edits

A History of the Queen's Club by Tildesley, E.M. $35.00

A History of the Queen's Club


Tildesley, E.M.

A Blink of the Screen by Pratchett, Terry $35.00

A Blink of the Screen


Pratchett, Terry

Les onze mille verges by Apollinaire, Guillaume $15.00

Les onze mille verges


Apollinaire, Guillaume

St. Matthew's Windsor by Jack, Ian and Jan Barkley-Jack $35.00

St. Matthew's Windsor


Jack, Ian and Jan Barkley-Jack

Political Fictions by Didion, Joan $35.00

Political Fictions


Didion, Joan

Tasmania's Vanished Race by Jones, Frederic Wood $35.00

Tasmania's Vanished Race


Jones, Frederic Wood

The Last Intellectuals by Coleman, Peter $150.00

The Last Intellectuals


Coleman, Peter

Dada and Beyond by Adamowicz, Elza and Eric Robertson edit $35.00

Dada and Beyond


Adamowicz, Elza and Eric Robertson edit

Take It or Leave It by Federman, Raymond $35.00

Take It or Leave It


Federman, Raymond

The Scorsese Connection by Stern, Lesley $85.00

The Scorsese Connection


Stern, Lesley

Tarabas: A Guest on Earth by Roth, Joseph $35.00

Tarabas: A Guest on Earth


Roth, Joseph

Addie and Zika by Arnold, Ann $35.00

Addie and Zika


Arnold, Ann

Waving to Hart Crane by Adamson, Robert $85.00

Waving to Hart Crane


Adamson, Robert

A Kimberley Adventure by Parker, Adrian, John Bradshaw and Chris Done $85.00

A Kimberley Adventure


Parker, Adrian, John Bradshaw and Chris Done

Modern Poets of France by Simpson, Louis edits $35.00

Modern Poets of France


Simpson, Louis edits

Colour Schemes for Old Australian Houses by Evans, Ian, Clive Lucas, Ian Stapleton $35.00

Colour Schemes for Old Australian Houses


Evans, Ian, Clive Lucas, Ian Stapleton

Folk Photography by Sante, Luc $85.00

Folk Photography


Sante, Luc

The Dove's Nest by Mansfield, Katherine $35.00

The Dove's Nest


Mansfield, Katherine

The Writing Book by Grenville, Kate $15.00

The Writing Book


Grenville, Kate

Beyond Words by Kent, Jacqueline $35.00

Beyond Words


Kent, Jacqueline

Oz Magazine by Neville, Richard and Richard Walsh edit $35.00

Oz Magazine


Neville, Richard and Richard Walsh edit

Australia by Cromer, Pete $15.00



Cromer, Pete

Ezra Pound by Russell, Peter edits $85.00

Ezra Pound


Russell, Peter edits

Letters to a Sister by Macaulay, Rose $35.00

Letters to a Sister


Macaulay, Rose

The Four-Legged Lottery by Hardy, Frank $35.00

The Four-Legged Lottery


Hardy, Frank

The Cocktail Waitress by Cain, James M. $35.00

The Cocktail Waitress


Cain, James M.

True Confessions by Dunne, John Gregory $35.00

True Confessions


Dunne, John Gregory

The Seventh Sense by Kivy, Peter $85.00

The Seventh Sense


Kivy, Peter

A Christmas Cracker by Norwich, John Julius $35.00

A Christmas Cracker


Norwich, John Julius

T.S. Eliot - an Imperfect Life by Gordon, Lyndall $35.00

T.S. Eliot - an Imperfect Life


Gordon, Lyndall

Ghost Empire by Fidler, Richard $15.00

Ghost Empire


Fidler, Richard

The Treasure of Sierra Madre by Naremore, James edits $15.00

The Treasure of Sierra Madre


Naremore, James edits

Collected Poems 1947-1980 by Ginsberg, Allen $125.00

Collected Poems 1947-1980


Ginsberg, Allen

This is Not the End of the Book by Eco, Umberto and Jean-Claude Carriere $35.00

This is Not the End of the Book


Eco, Umberto and Jean-Claude Carriere

The Poet Assassinated by Apollinaire, Guillaume $85.00

The Poet Assassinated


Apollinaire, Guillaume

Samuel Terry by Dow, Gwyneth M. $35.00

Samuel Terry


Dow, Gwyneth M.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius $35.00



Marcus Aurelius

Pynchon - a Collection of Critical Essays by Mendelson, Edward edits $15.00

Pynchon - a Collection of Critical Essays


Mendelson, Edward edits

Journal to Stella by Swift, Jonathan $85.00

Journal to Stella


Swift, Jonathan

New Beginnings by McCulloch Childs, Emily and Ross Gibson $35.00

New Beginnings


McCulloch Childs, Emily and Ross Gibson

Puccini by Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane $35.00



Phillips-Matz, Mary Jane

Kieron Smith, Boy by Kelman, James $35.00

Kieron Smith, Boy


Kelman, James

The Benefactors by Wiliams, Maslyn $35.00

The Benefactors


Wiliams, Maslyn

Dada Performance by Gordon, Mel edits $15.00

Dada Performance


Gordon, Mel edits

Winged Words by Hollenberg, Donna Krolik $100.00

Winged Words


Hollenberg, Donna Krolik

Becalmed by Huysmans, J.-K. $35.00



Huysmans, J.-K.

The Arab of the Future by Sattouf, Riad $15.00

The Arab of the Future


Sattouf, Riad

Taboo by Kaufmann, Eric $35.00



Kaufmann, Eric

Nova Express by Burroughs, William S. $100.00

Nova Express


Burroughs, William S.

The Evangelicals by Fitzgerald, Frances $35.00

The Evangelicals


Fitzgerald, Frances

Iris Murdoch - a Life by Conradi, Peter J. $35.00

Iris Murdoch - a Life


Conradi, Peter J.

Italian Fables by Calvino, Italo $125.00

Italian Fables


Calvino, Italo

1066 and All That by Sellar, W.C. and R.J. Yeatman $35.00

1066 and All That


Sellar, W.C. and R.J. Yeatman

Boccaccio - a Critical Guide to the Complete Works by Kirkham, Victoria, Michael Sherberg, and Janet Levarie Smarr edit $85.00

Boccaccio - a Critical Guide to the Complete Works


Kirkham, Victoria, Michael Sherberg, and Janet Levarie Smarr edit

Noblesse Oblige by Mitford, Nancy edits $35.00

Noblesse Oblige


Mitford, Nancy edits

Arnold Bennett - Lost Icon by Donovan, Patrick $35.00

Arnold Bennett - Lost Icon


Donovan, Patrick

Hearing Secret Harmonies by Powell, Anthony $35.00

Hearing Secret Harmonies


Powell, Anthony

Imaginary Homelands by Rushdie, Salman $125.00

Imaginary Homelands


Rushdie, Salman

The Devil's Dictionary by Bierce, Ambrose $35.00

The Devil's Dictionary

Bierce, Ambrose

Classic Tales from the Golden Age of Adventure by Wallace, Edgar. Sapper, John Buchan, Zane Grey and H.Rider Haggard $35.00

Classic Tales from the Golden Age of Adventure


Wallace, Edgar. Sapper, John Buchan, Zane Grey and H.Rider Haggard

Diane Arbus Magazine Work by Arbus, Diane $85.00

Diane Arbus Magazine Work


Arbus, Diane

Love is Enough by Morris, William $500.00

Love is Enough


Morris, William

Hashish Wine Opium by Baudelaire, Charles and Theophile Gautier $15.00

Hashish Wine Opium


Baudelaire, Charles and Theophile Gautier

The Decameron by Boccaccio, Giovanni $85.00

The Decameron


Boccaccio, Giovanni

Tres by Bolano, Roberto $15.00



Bolano, Roberto

The House of Certain Death by Cossery, Albert $100.00

The House of Certain Death


Cossery, Albert

The Wandering Islands by Hope, A.D. $35.00

The Wandering Islands


Hope, A.D.

Proud Echo by McKie, Ronald $35.00

Proud Echo


McKie, Ronald

Prague Pictures by Banville, John $35.00

Prague Pictures


Banville, John

The House of Certain Death by Cossery, Albert $85.00

The House of Certain Death


Cossery, Albert

Collected Critical Writings by Hill, Geoffrey $200.00

Collected Critical Writings


Hill, Geoffrey

The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil War Verse by Cunningham, Valentine edits $15.00

The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil War Verse


Cunningham, Valentine edits

Greenwich Village by McDarrah, Fred W. $85.00

Greenwich Village


McDarrah, Fred W.

Gaiety and George Grossmith by Naylor, Stanley chronicles $250.00

Gaiety and George Grossmith


Naylor, Stanley chronicles

Tales of Beatnik Glory by Sanders, Ed $35.00

Tales of Beatnik Glory


Sanders, Ed

Telemachus, Son of Ulysses by De Fenelon, Francois $35.00

Telemachus, Son of Ulysses


De Fenelon, Francois

7 Poems by Ford, Charles-Henri $200.00

7 Poems


Ford, Charles-Henri

Metaphysical Animals by Mac Cumhaill, Clare and Rachael Wiseman $35.00

Metaphysical Animals


Mac Cumhaill, Clare and Rachael Wiseman

Knocking Around by Le Gay Brereton, John $35.00

Knocking Around


Le Gay Brereton, John

Nine Plays by Reznikoff, Charles. $125.00

Nine Plays


Reznikoff, Charles.

The Golem by Bloch, Chayim $15.00

The Golem


Bloch, Chayim

The Workingman's Paradise by Lane, William $35.00

The Workingman's Paradise


Lane, William

Swedish Folktales and Legends by Blecher, Lone Thygesen and George Blecher edit $85.00

Swedish Folktales and Legends


Blecher, Lone Thygesen and George Blecher edit

The Grip of the Islands by Gillett, Mary compiles $35.00

The Grip of the Islands


Gillett, Mary compiles

The Lazy Ones by Cossery, Albert $100.00

The Lazy Ones


Cossery, Albert

The Dwarfs by Pinter, Harold $35.00

The Dwarfs


Pinter, Harold

The Adventures of Mr and Mrs Jim and Ron by Padgett, Ron and Jim Dine $35.00

The Adventures of Mr and Mrs Jim and Ron


Padgett, Ron and Jim Dine

The Inner Citadel by Hadot, Pierre $35.00

The Inner Citadel


Hadot, Pierre

Catherine the Great by Alexander, John T. $35.00

Catherine the Great


Alexander, John T.

Collected Shorter Poems by Pound, Ezra $35.00

Collected Shorter Poems


Pound, Ezra

The Visionaries by Eilenberger, Wolfram $35.00

The Visionaries


Eilenberger, Wolfram

Loose Living by Moorhouse, Frank $15.00

Loose Living


Moorhouse, Frank

Other recently added books

Title Author Publisher Year Price
A Blink of the Screen Pratchett, Terry Doubleday. First English edition 2012 $35.00
Les onze mille verges Apollinaire, Guillaume Peter Owen. Reprint 1989 $15.00
Judit and Garry Shead - a Creative Collaboration Grishin, Sasha Australian Galleries. First Australian edition 2007 $35.00
The Native Background to the Papuan Campaign Bodger, Rev. John D. Australian Board of Missions. First separate Australian edition [1944] $35.00
Selected Poems H.D. Carcanet. First English edition 1989 $35.00
St. Matthew's Windsor Jack, Ian and Jan Barkley-Jack Rosenberg. First Australian paperback edition 2016 $35.00
Political Fictions Didion, Joan Alfred A. Knopf. Reprint 2001 $35.00
Tasmania's Vanished Race Jones, Frederic Wood Australian Broadcasting Commission. First Australian edition 1935 $35.00
The Last Intellectuals Coleman, Peter Quadrant Books. First Australian edition 2010 $150.00
Dada and Beyond Adamowicz, Elza and Eric Robertson edit Rodopi. First Dutch edition 2011 $35.00
Take It or Leave It Federman, Raymond University of Alabama Press. First American revised paperback edition [1997] $35.00
The Scorsese Connection Stern, Lesley Indiana University Press and British Film Institute. First English paperback edition 1995 $85.00
Film as a Subversive Art Vogel, Amos Weidenfeld and Nicolson. First English edition 1974 $150.00
Tarabas: A Guest on Earth Roth, Joseph Overlook Press. Second American edition 1987 $35.00
Addie and Zika Arnold, Ann Ian Jackson. First American edition 2017 $35.00
The Artist and the Camera: Degas to Picasso Kosinski, Dorothy Dallas Museum of Art. First American edition. 1999 $85.00
No Symbols Where None Intended Lake, Carlton Humanities Research Centre. First American edition 1984 $85.00
Waving to Hart Crane Adamson, Robert Angus and Robertson. First Australian edition 1994 $85.00
A Kimberley Adventure Parker, Adrian, John Bradshaw and Chris Done Gecko Books. First Australian edition 2007 $85.00
A Stretch of the Imagination Hibberd, Jack Currency Press. First Australian edition 1973 $200.00
The Ranch Girls and Their Hearts' Desire Vandercook, Margaret John C Winston. Reprint nd $35.00
Tradition Today - Indigenous Art in Australia Willsteed, Theresa edis Art Gallery of New South Wales. Second revised edition 2006 $35.00
Modern Poets of France Simpson, Louis edits Story Line Press. Reprint 1998 $35.00
Selected Declarations of Dependence Mathews, Harry Sun and Moon Press. Second American edition 1996 $15.00
Colour Schemes for Old Australian Houses Evans, Ian, Clive Lucas, Ian Stapleton The Flannel Flower Press. Reprint 1988 $35.00
Folk Photography Sante, Luc Verse Chorus Press and Yeti. First American edition 2009 $85.00
The Dove's Nest Mansfield, Katherine Constable. First English edition 1923 $35.00
The Writing Book Grenville, Kate Allen and Unwin. Reprint 1998 $15.00
Beyond Words Kent, Jacqueline University of Queensland Press. First Australian edition 2019 $35.00
Oz Magazine Neville, Richard and Richard Walsh edit Oz Publications. First Australian edition 1965 $35.00
Australia Cromer, Pete Five Mile. First Australian edition 2021 $15.00
Ezra Pound Russell, Peter edits Peter Nevill. First English edition 1950 $85.00
Letters to a Sister Macaulay, Rose Collins. First English edition 1964 $35.00
The Four-Legged Lottery Hardy, Frank T. Werner Laurie. Reprint 1958 $35.00
The Cocktail Waitress Cain, James M. Titan Books. First English edition 2012 $35.00
Aztec Birth: the Turquoise Mockingbird of Light Portuges, Paul Inklings. First American edition 1979 $35.00
The Year of Magical Thinking Didion, Joan Fourth Estate. Reprint 2005 $35.00
True Confessions Dunne, John Gregory Dutton. First American edition 1977 $35.00
The Seventh Sense Kivy, Peter Oxford University Press. Second revised edition 2003 $85.00
A Christmas Cracker Norwich, John Julius The author. First English edition 2006 $35.00
T.S. Eliot - an Imperfect Life Gordon, Lyndall Norton. First American edition thus 1999 $35.00
Ghost Empire Fidler, Richard HarperCollins. Second Australian edition 2017 $15.00
The Tragic Life of Toulouse-Lautrec 1864-1901 Hanson, L. and E. Secker and Warburg and Chatto and Windus. First English edition 1956 $35.00
The Treasure of Sierra Madre Naremore, James edits University of Wisconsin Press. Reprint 1979 $15.00
The Notebooks of Captain Georges Renoir, Jean Collins. First English edition 1966 $35.00
Collected Poems 1947-1980 Ginsberg, Allen Viking. First English edition 1985 $125.00
This is Not the End of the Book Eco, Umberto and Jean-Claude Carriere Harvill Secker. First English edition 2011 $35.00
Legends from Benson's Valley Hardy, Frank Werner Laurie. First English edition 1963 $35.00
The Poet Assassinated Apollinaire, Guillaume Holt, Rinehart and Winston. First American edition of this translation 1968 $85.00
Samuel Terry Dow, Gwyneth M. Sydney University Press. First Australian edition 1974 $35.00
Meditations Marcus Aurelius Penguin. Reprint 2014 $35.00