Charles Olson and Robert Creeley: the Complete Correspondence

Olson, Charles and Robert Creeley

Nine vols., a mixed set: vols.1-6, 8-9 are all paperbacks, vol.7 is a hardcover trade edition; both sides of the two poets' correspondence from 1950 to 1952, 2000+pp., indexes of works cited in each volume; edited by George F. Butterick (vols.1-8), Richard Blevins (vol.9)

Publisher: Black Sparrow Press. First American editions 1980-1990
Edition: First Edition
Place Published: Santa Barbara, CA
Cloth and pictorial boards. Very good in transparent dustwrapper (vol.7), matching pictorial wrappers, all very good or better (vols.1-6, 8-9). The nine vols.

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