Screenplay for the 1944 movie directed by Harold Schuster and concerned with two antagonistic American marines' war service in the Pacific, in America, and, notably, Australia where Ellen Lockhart of the Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force is able to reconcile them, convince one of the virtues of marriage, and marry the other. The marines arrive in an unnamed Australian port early in the movie, 'It is about eight o'clock and the street is fairly alive with uniforms, R.A.F., Marines, Aussies, doughboys and the different branches of the women's services. A number of people are going into the public rooms of a fair-sized hotel and as the doors open, the sound of music and song can be faintly heard. Over this we have the title AUSTRALIA.' Clean roneoed sheets, various colours, 143pp., 533 shots for a movie with a running time of 90mins.